Main Article Content
A crosssectional descriptive study was carried out of 60 patients who have extracted wisdom teeth under local anesthesia in the Ha Noi Medical University Hospital. Results: The majority patients had mild and moderate anxiety before surgery. Under 10 percent of patients happened slight bleeding and dizzy after teeth extraction. Swelling, mild and moderate pain in the first day and the third day accounted for more than 90%. 8.33% of patients had numbness on the third day. There was a small rate of bleeding and limited mouth opening after 3 days of surgery, with 6,67% and 16,67% respectively. Conclusion: The majority of patients undergoing local anesthesia surgery to remove wisdom teeth at Hanoi Medical University hospital have good results, less pain and less complications.
Article Details
Wisdom tooth extraction, tooth #8, local anesthesia, Hanoi Medical University Hospital
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