Phetphonephen pharayok1, Văn Tuấn Nguyễn1
1 Hanoi medical university

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Background: Recurrent depressive disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of depression and is not accompanied by a history of manic episodes. Among the many clinical symptoms, sleep disturbance is the most common symptom, with an estimated prevalence of up to 90%. Objectives: Describe clinical features of sleep disturbance in patients with recurrent depressive disorder. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional study 73 inpatients diagnosed with recurrent depressive disorder according to ICD10 diagnostic criteria in the national institute of mental health-Bachmai hospital results: The rate of sleep disturbance in patients with recurrent depressive disorder is 82,2%. Difficulty falling asleep is the most common symptom, accounting for 88,3%, followed by difficulty maintaining sleep, accounting for 71,7%, and waking up early in the morning is accounting for 58,3%. When there is a sleep disturbance, all patients show fatigue the next day, most of the patients during the day have decreased concentration (85,0%), tension (45,0%), feeling dizzy (36,7%), restlessness (35,0%), trembling (13,3%).

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