Thị Thu Huyền Đỗ1,, Tiến Hưng Bùi2,3, Đức Dũng Lương3
1 Traditional medicine hospital Ministry of public Security
2 Hanoi medical university
3 Xanh pon hospital

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Objectives: Survey the characteristics of patients receiving “háo suyễn” (COPD) supportive treatment with acupoint catgut embedding at the Public Security Hospital of Traditional Medicine. Subjects: COPD Patients with dyspnea symptoms in the form of "phế tỳ khí hư" came for examination and treatment from July 2021 to August 2022. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: During the study period, the Department of Examination at the Public Security Hospital of Traditional Medicine treated 50 patients: The age group 60–69 accounted for the highest proportion of 44%, and the average age was 64.86 ± 8.62. Men account for 86%, higher than women. The patient's occupation is mainly manual labor. The mean duration of illness was 5.3 ± 1.39 years. 88% of patients had been exposed to tobacco for more than ten years, with 10% still smoking. The rate of patients exposed to kitchen smoke was 56%, and the rate of those exposed to occupational dust was 28%. Gold D patients account for 82% of all patients. According to the CAT scale, moderate-severe impact on life quality accounts for the highest rate of 64%. The mean mMRC dyspnea score was 1.86 ± 0.40. 72% of patients had a weak pulse, 58% had light wipes, and 62% had white moss. Conclusion: This study investigated the characteristics of patients receiving “háo suyễn” (COPD) supportive treatment with acupoint catgut embedding.

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