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Community practice program is a compulsory subject that helps students reach out to the community, detect health problems, develop soft skills, thereby supporting students in their future jobs. Research aims “To describe the needs and proposals of students in Hanoi Medical University about community practice in 2022”. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study with both quantitative and qualitative research was carried out. The sample size was 232 students who answered the survey and 13 focus group discussions were conducted. Results: The content of training before going to practice in the community about “How to choose research problems” was highest at 27.2%. Students wanted to “Learning about the community” at fieldtrip was highest at 52.6%. Students had some suggestions about the field location: 48.3% of the students wanted to contact the community by themselves, 31.0% of them wanted to not change and 20.7% wanted to change to nearby Hanoi. The majority of students (69%) think that the time as a 1-week field study was appropriate. 37.5% of them thought that the means of transport was suitable and had no further suggestions. Conclusion: The study shows that the majority of students assess that they meet their needs and desires when applying and practicing the knowledge and skill that they learned from the school in community practice. Students highly appreciate the method of learning and teaching in the community.
Article Details
community practice, students, Hanoi Medical University
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