Main Article Content
Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the pre-clinical and clinical feature of mature ovarian teratoma (MOT) and outcomes of one trocar assisted laparoscopic surgery (OTALS) for treatment of MOT. Methods: Medical record of all patients with diagnosis of MOT and underwent OTALS at VietNam National Children's hospital from Jan, 2015 to Dec 2020 were reviewed. The pre and post operative data were collected. Data management and analysis were made by Excel and SPSS 20.0. Results: 40 patients were identified, with medium age of 88 months (ranged from 5 month to 164 months). The commonest adnission reason was persistent abdominal pain (70%). The medium weight of patient was 23,5 ± 9,9 (kg) (from 10- 47kg). The medium diameter of the cyst was 60,47 ± 22,26 (mm)(25-115mm). Pre-operative AFP level was: 1,2 mUi/ml (from 0,1- 25,1 mUi/ml) (95% cases in the normal range). There was no conversion and intra - or postoperative complications. The rate of umbilicar scar expanding was 85%, intra MOT fluid suction was 72,5%. The mean operative time was 51,75 ± 8,29 (min) (35-70 min). The mean postoperative hospital stay was 3,65 ± 1,09 (2- 6 days). At the follow up 30 - 76 months, two patients had recurrence after ovarian tissue sparing surgery, which underwent laparoscopic oophorectomy with good results. The rest of patients were in good health. The post-opearative comesis was excellent. Conclusion: OTALS is highly feasible, safe, effective, with excellent comesis in management of MOT in children.
Article Details
Laparoscopic surgery. mature ovarian teratoma, children

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