Thị Thiên Nga Lê1, Tất Bằng Hồ1,2, Đình Phát Nguyễn3, Thanh Vỹ Trần2,3, Minh Bảo Luân Trần2,3,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City Hospital
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the short term results of endoscopic thymectomy combined subxiphoid approach. Methods: This is a prospective case series study of endoscopic thymectomy using subxiphoid incision at Thoracovascular department, University medical center, Ho Chi Minh City. Results: There were 19 cases of endoscopic thymectomy combined subxiphoid incision at University medical center from January 2021 to June 2022. Female is predominant (68%), majority chief complaints with symptoms of myasthenia gravis (57.9%), thymoma is accounted for 68.4% of anterior mediastinal lesions. Complication during and after surgery, there was 1 case of right diaphragmatic perforation (accounting for 5.3%), we had to do thoracotomy for diaphragmatic restoration; 1case of postoperative respiratory failure (accounting for 5.3%), patient was ventilated by high-flow nasal cannula for 5 days. Respiratory condition was improved, patient was discharged 3 days later. Conclusion: Endoscopic thymectomy combined with subxiphoid incision is a new approach in non-tumor myasthenia gravis as well as thymoma, providing good vision in the anterior mediastinum, important for clearly seeing the bilateral diaphragmatic nerve, creating qood condition for extended thymectomy, increasing the effectiveness of surgical treatment in myasthenia gravis as well as achieving a wide resection in thymoma.

Article Details


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