Thị Thơm Phạm1,, Văn Thức Đặng2, Xuân Ngọc Lê2, Văn Tân Phạm 3, Trung Kiên Phạm 4
1 Hanoi Medical College
2 Vietnam National Children's Hospital.
3 Vietnam National Children's Hospital
4 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: To find out some factors related to the burden of caring for autistic children of families with children with autism disorder treated at the National Children's Hospital. Subjects and research methods: Research A cross-sectional description of over 200 parents with children with autism spectrum disorder treated at the National Children's Hospital from February 2021 to August 2022, using convenience sampling technique. Carer burden was assessed using the Zarit Burden Interview-22 standard tool by face-to-face interviews with parents. Children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, determining factors related to the burden of care such as the child's medical condition, economic condition, level of medical care determined through interviews, data mining. medical record of treatment. Results: The mean burden score of the study group was 62.31 + 14.98. There are 122/200 61%) of patients at the very severe burden of care threshold. Patient age, duration of treatment, age of caregivers, and caregiver income are factors that are associated with burden of care severity. When analyzing multivariate regression, the results show that: duration of treatment, age of caregivers, caregiver's income and parents' marital status are independent factors related to family care burden. Families with children with autism spectrum disorder. Conclusion: duration of treatment, caregiver's age, caregiver's income and parents' marital status are factors that have been independently determined to be related to the care burden of families with children autism disorder.

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