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Pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and life-threatening illness in kidney transplant recipients despite improved facilities for postoperative care. The study was conducted to evaluate the demographic characteristics, clinical and subclinical characteristics and treatment results of kidney transplant recipients with pneumonia at Bach Mai Hospital. Research method: cross-sectional description with 116 medical records of kidney transplant patients diagnosed with pneumonia at Bach Mai Hospital's Renal Urology - Dialysis Center from October 2016 to July 2022. Results: treated for 116 episodes of pneumonia during the study period. assist. 6.0% of episodes of pneumonia developed within the first 1 month after transplantation, while 20.7% of episodes developed during 1 - 6 months and 73.3% of episodes developed after 6 months kidney transplant. 21 cases (18.1%) were considered nosocomial pneumonia, and 95 cases (81.9%) were considered community-acquired pneumonia. Virus is the most common cause of disease (42.2%), fungus ranks 2nd (28.4%), bacteria (23.3%), pneumonia cases after kidney transplant. No statistically significant difference in mortality was found between patients with community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia.
Article Details
Pneumonia in kidney transplant recipient, pneumonia complications, result, Bach Mai Hospital.

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