Main Article Content
The patient with severe diabetic neuropathy have difficulty in self – care. Thus, the patient is dependent on caregivers. This factor directly affects the physical health, mental health and social life of caregivers. Objective: This study analysis caregiver’s burden of patients with severe peripheral neuropathy due to type 2 diabetes in Bach Mai Hospital from July 2021 to July 2022. Subjects and research methods: Cross – sectional description method. 64 patients were diagnosed severe peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus according to Toronto Diabetic Neuropathy Expert at Bach Mai Hospital and their primary caregivers. The Zarit Burden interview is recorded and analyzed in the relationship with patients and caregivers characteristics. Results: The mean age of caregivers was 47.11 ± 9.26 years. The average ZBI of the study was 28.56 ± 11.12, in which 45/64 (70.3%) caregivers had moderate to high care burden. The factor related to the burden of care include: relationship between patients and caregivers, duration of care, daily duration of care. Clinical symptoms of patients that increased the care burden level were pain and weakness. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that providing care for severe diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus created a care burden for caregivers, not only their physical but also their emotions and society.
Article Details
Neuropathy, caregiver’s burden, diabetes.

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