Bình Nguyên Lại1,, Tài Sơn Nguyễn2, Quang Đức Nguyễn2
1 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi
2 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objective: This paper aims to describe clinical, radiological, pathological, and defect features of patients after composite oromandibular resection due to cancer. Methods: The study was conducted in 63 patients were diagnosed with maxillofacial cancer and had oromandibular resected in Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Hanoi National Hospital of Odonto – Stomatology from May 2014 to July 2021. Results: The mean age was 54.05 ± 13.14 years (range, 19-84 years), male/female ratio was 2/1. The mean of time to presentation was 4.44 ± 5.49 months (range, 2 weeks to 30 months). The most common clinical symptoms were tumor (60.3%), ulceration (69.8%), pain (65.1%), bleeding (33.3%), loose teeth (22.2%), and neck nodes (19.0%). Most of tumors were located on lower gum (39.7%), floor of mouth (27.0%) and mandible (17.5%). 96.8% of patients had mandibular invasion on radiological methods. Pathological results showed most of them were squamous cell carcinoma (81.0%). Most of patients were presented with stage IV (74.6%). Conclusion: Symptoms of maxillofacial cancer are easily confused with several benign conditions, so the patients have to be carefully examined and assigned appropriate radiology and laboratory tests to diagnose soon and minimize damage of surrounding structures due to tumor resection.

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