Đức Trí Lại 1,, Mạnh Hà Trần2, Khánh Thu Trần3
1 Thai Binh general hospital
2 ThaiBinh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Thai Binh Department of Health

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of patients infected with Sars-CoV-2 at Thai Binh General hospital. Methods: Using a descriptive method through a cross-sectional survey to describe the characteristics of 908 patients infected with Sars-CoV-2 treated at the Thai Binh General hospital. Research results: In the age group of 30 and under, the percentage of mild patients accounted for the highest (73.9%). Similar to the age group 31 to 59, the rate of mild patients also accounted for 53.7%. For patients 60 years of age and older, up to 66.8% were in severe condition. There was a relationship between the severity of the disease between the group of subjects who received 1 dose of vaccine and those who did not receive any (OR: 0.323, 95% CI: 0.186-0.561), between the group of subjects who received 2 doses of vaccine and those who did not receive any vaccine. subjects who had not received any vaccine (OR: 0.303, 95% CI: 0.197-0.466), between the group of subjects who received 3 or more doses of vaccine and those who had not received any vaccine (OR: 0.163, 95% CI: 0.094-0.283).

Article Details


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