Thu Hà Vương1,, Văn Lệnh Bùi 2,3, Tuấn Linh Lê 2,3, Tiến Lưu Đoàn 1,3, Thị Bích Nguyệt Đặng 2, Xuân Thành Phạm 1
1 Hanoi medical unviersity hospital
2 Hanoi medical university hospital
3 Hanoi medical university

Main Article Content


To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy in diagnosing of some common joint diseases in 49 patients from November 2019 to May 2022. A cross-sectional descriptive study was applied. Results show synovial biopsy is an easy procedure to perform in most patients, in which 91.8% of patients feel no or little pain during the procedure. Synovial biopsy is also a procedure with high safety, few complications, the rate of bleeding complications at the needle puncture site is 4 cases (equivalent to 8.2%), the rate of intra-articular bleeding 2%, while serious complications such as puncture site infection, joint infection, neurological and vascular complications did not occur. The technique was successfully performed in 98% of the patients. The synovial membrane biopsy specimens were taken for histopathology, bacterial cultures and PCR for tuberculosis, the results of these tests allow the diagnosis to be confirmed in 65,3% of cases and the concordance between synovial biopsy results with the final diagnosis was 98%.

Article Details


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