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Objectives: The study is conducted to find out some policy related factors affecting the implementation of financial autonomy at the Lao Cai General Hospital in the period 2015 – 2019. Methods: Design a qualitative study using in-depth interviews and group discussions with representatives of hospital directors, leaders of the health insurance examiner department, general administration deparment, medical material - equipment management staff at Lao Cai General Hospital. Results: In the period 2015 - 2019, total hospital revenues tended to increase, total hospital expenditures tended to decrease, leading to an increasing trend in hospital revenues and expenditures over the years. There are many policy related factors affecting financial revenue and expenditure activities at Lao Cai General Hospital in the period 2015-2019 including: financial autonomy policy, hospital fees policy, medical insurance policy. Conclusions and recommendations: The reform and completion of the system of state management documents on the financial management regime is an urgent requirement to support public hospitals in the process of autonomy implementation.

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