Thị Phương Thảo Đoàn 1,, Thị Minh Lý Nguyễn1, Minh Thường Mai 2
1 Hanoi medical university hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at Hanoi Medical University Hospital on 252 hypertensive patients who came for outpatient examination and treatment with the aim of describing the patient's status of drug adherence and describing a number of factors involved. The study results showed that the rate of patients adhering to drug treatment was 55.95%, in which, the rate of good and average adherence accounted for 26.59% and 29.37%, respectively. The proportion of patients who did not adhere to treatment accounted for 44.05%. The proportion of patients who felt inconvenienced when they had to use the drug regularly accounted for 37.3%. There are 35.3% of patients often forget to take medicine. The rate of drug adherence in men was statistically significant with a odds ratio of 1.7 times, at the 95% confidence interval with p < 0.05. Female patients should not be subjective with their health. Cost of drug purchase and adherence to drug treatment are statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval with p < 0.05. Patients and medical staff should openly and frankly discuss the cost of buying drugs to suit each situation for better treatment adherence. Patients with > 1 co-morbidities had a higher rate of drug adherence than the group without co-morbidities with statistical significance with p < 0.05. For co-morbid diseases, the specialists have guidance and treatment advice, so the patient adheres better.

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