Đức Mạnh Đỗ 1,, Đình Toàn Dương 1,2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital

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Background: Fracture of the acetabulum is a serious injury, common in the context of multiple traumas. Methods: A retrospective and prospective descriptive study on 48 patients who underwent internal acetabular fixation at Viet Duc University Hospital from June 2020 to March 2022. Evaluation of clinical results based on Merle D'Aubigne scale, bone healing results based on postoperative radiographs. Results: The mean age was 44.7±13.4 years old. Men make up the majority with 77.1%. Traffic accidents are the main cause accounting for 68.7%. Patients who underwent surgery in the first week after the accident accounted for 64.6%, achieved good orthopedic results after surgery (≤2mm) in 38 patients, accounting for 79.16%. In 29.2% of cases, the results were very good, 47.9% were good and 22.9% were moderate, none of which had poor results. 5 cases of infection and 1 case of nerve damage after surgery. Conclusion: The combined surgical treatment of the acetabulum brings significant results to the patient compared with the conservative treatment. The selection of surgery time, the appropriate incision to assess the classification of fractures will bring the best results for the patient

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