Minh Tứ Bùi 1, Duy Hồng Sơn Phùng 1,2,, Hữu Ước Nguyễn1,2, Quốc Hưng Đoàn 2,3, Tùng Sơn Nguyễn2, Nhật Tiên Lê2, Ngọc Thắng Dương 1,2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital
3 Hanoi medicla university

Main Article Content


Purpose: The arms of this study are the description of clinical and paraclinical signs and symptoms and the evaluation of early and mild-term results of patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm who underwent selective surgical or endovascular treatment at Viet Duc University hospital. Patient and method:This is descriptive, cross-sectional study of consecutive patientpatients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm who underwent selective surgical or endovascular treatment at cardiovascular and thoracic center - Viet Duc University hospital during the period from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2020. Results: There were 37 patients who underwent endovascular intervention and 62 who underwent surgery, with an average age of 72,96±6,58 (61–86) and 67,11±1,27 (36–82) years, respectively. 30 (81,1%) and 45 (72,6%) of the patients in each group were male. The palpable beating mass in the abdomen was found in 91,9% (34) in the endovascular group and 72,6% (45) in the surgical group, with fusiform aneurysm predominating in both groups with th rate of 37 (100%) and 59 (95,2%). The early results of the interventional groupincluded the following: hospital mortality was 2,7% (1); in complications: immediately endoleak was 8(21,6%); after 30 days was 3(8,1%); acute renal failure was in 1(2,7%); hematoma in goiter was in 1(2,7%). The surgical group's preliminary findings: no hospital deaths. In complications, retroperitoneal hematoma was in 6(9.7%), renal failure was in 6(9.6%), wound infection was 2(3.2%), colon ischemia was in 1(1.6%), and acute pancreatitis was in 1(1.6%). There were 33(89.2%) patients after intervention and 57(91.9%) patients after surgery under follow-up. The average follow-up time was 28,72,1 (24,4-32,9) months and 25,71,74 (22,2-29,1) months in each group. 26(78.8%) patients in the intervention group and 46(80,7%) patients in the surgical group had good results; the other patients had acceptable results.There were 5(15.2%) deaths during the follow-up period in the interventional group and 5(8.8%) deaths in the surgical group. The survival rate at one year was 84,9% in the interventional group and 96,4% in the surgical group; these percentages have remained stable over time. Conclusion: At Viet Duc university hospital, endovascular intervention and surgery for treatment ofinfrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm gave good results with low rate of mortality and morbidity. In early and mild term follow up, the results of surgery are superior than the results of endovascular intervention.

Article Details


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