Minh Trí Đỗ1,, Đức Thiện Dư 2, Xuân Hải Đào 3, Văn Sỹ Thân 2, Nhật Anh Phan 1, Quang Lộc Trần 1, Mạnh Thường Lê1, Thanh Dũng Lê2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital
3 Viet Duc hopsital

Main Article Content


Objectives: To identify the effect and the value of CT-guided core needle biopsy for the pathological diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. Methods: 31 patients were determined retroperitoneal masses by clinical examination, ultrasound and CT scanner, and these masses was taken CT-guided core needle biopsy by16- or 18G-semi-automatic biopsy guns, all of them have result of pathological diagnosis from March 2021 to July 2022 at Radiology Department, Viet Duc University Hospital. It is descriptive cross-sectional and prospective study. Results: All of patient’s specimens has been pathological diagnosed. In there, 24 cases get malignant masses, and 7 case get benign mases. 3 cases get mild complication as a small hematoma around the lesion after biopsy processing, 1 case get pain requiring analgesics. There aren’t any cases get serious complication which is needed blood transfusion or endovascular intervention for hemostasis. Conclusions: CT-guided core needle biopsy for retroperitoneal masses is safe, less invasive, effective, and high valuable method in diagnosing the retroperitoneal tumor’s pathology.

Article Details


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