Quang Thắng Lê1,, Quang Nghĩa Nguyễn2, Việt Khải Ninh 2, Minh Tuấn Trần 2, Hà Phương Trần2, Tuấn Hoàng 2, Đình Dũng Trần 3, Hải Đăng Đỗ 2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital
3 Viet Duc hopsital

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Objective: To evaluate early results after liver transplant surgery at Viet Duc University Hospital. Subjects and methods: A descriptive longitudinal, retrospective, and prospective study on patients undergoing liver transplant surgery from January 2016 to December 2021 at Viet Duc University Hospital.Results: 71 patients were eligible to participate in the study, of which 47 patients (66.2%) had liver transplantation due to primary liver cancer and 24 patients (33.8%) due to cirrhosis. The mean age was 50±15.6 years old, the male-to-female ratio was 6.9/1. The rate of hepatitis in the cirrhosis group was 54.2% and in the primary liver cancer group was 85.1%. Regarding the early results after surgery, most of the patients were extubated in the first 24 hours after surgery (71.8%). The average length of stay at the resuscitation unit was 4.9 days. The mean hospital stay was 29.2 days. The quality of the transplanted liver improved well after surgery, the values ​​of bilirubin and liver enzymes (AST/ALT) on the first day were 102.8 µmol/l and 749/480U/l respectively and dropped to 24.5 µmol/l  and 34/43U/l at the time of discharge. The most common complications were pleural effusion (29.6%) and intra-abdominal bleeding (7%). The acute rejection rate was 5.6%. The rate of grade 1 complications Dindo’s 21.1%. There were 5 cases of death after surgery. Conclusion: Liver transplant is a relatively safe and effective method and should be encouraged to develop in large centers in Vietnam.

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