Đình Bính Lương1,, Văn Thái Phạm 1, Tiến Công Bùi1, Đình Hà Trần1, Cẩm Phương Phạm 1, Trọng Khoa Mai 1
1 Bach Mai hospital

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Aim: The study aims to evaluate the overall survival of HCC patients treated with selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) using Y-90 resin microspheres and determine prognostic factors that impact survival at the Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Center, Bach Mai hospital. Patients: the data of the research included 111 patients who were diagnosed with HCC and had SIRT with Y-90 resin microspheres from December 2013 to June 2022. Methods: The study was designed as a retrospective investigation, uncontrolled clinical trials. Results: the median overall survival was 25,9 (15,3-36,6) months. OS ratio at 1 year was 69,7%. Factors associated with longer overall survival (OS) included ECOG 1, AFP>400ng/ml, tumor size larger than 5cm, Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) C, and portal vein thrombosis (PVT). On multivariate analysis, PVT was a predictor of longer OS. Conclusion: SIRT is an effective treatment for HCC. The lack of PVT was a positive prognostic factor for longer OS.

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