Hoàng Tùng Trần1,, Tuấn Anh Trương2, Minh Hải Vũ3
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 Hanoi medical university
3 ThaiBinh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: Outcome evaluation of uncemented total hip arthroplasty in patients less than 40 years old with avascular necrosis of the femoral heads. Materials and Methods: Retrospective and prospective study on 67 cases of avascular necrosis of the heads of the femurs admitted at Vietduc University Hospital and treated surgically by uncemented total hip replacement between January 2017 to January 2022. Outcomes were evaluated using Harris hip score (HHS), post-operative dislocation rate and patient satisfaction level.  Results: In this study, the average age of the study subjects was 34.8 ± 4.5 years old, 63 (94%) were male and 4 (6%) were female. Among 67 patients who received hip replacement for the first time, 31 patients received left hip replacement (46.3%), 36 patients received right hip replacement (53.7%). Pre-operative and post-operative HHS are 60,8 ± 15,7 and 96,5 ± 4,3, respectively. The mean follow-up time on patients was 3 ± 0.9 years. There were no cases of severe postoperative complications such as dislocation, joint loosening or reoperation at the last follow-up time. 100% of patients were satisfied with the surgery. Conclusion: Total hip arthroplasty in patients less than 40 years old with avascular necrosis of the femoral heads seems to yield good

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