Nhật Anh Phan1,2, Văn Lý Đào3,, Duy Hùng Nguyễn1,2, Quang Lộc Trần1, Nhật Quang Nguyễn2, Ngọc Dương Vũ 1, Quốc Huy Nguyễn4
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital
3 Tam Anh hospital
4 Thai Binh general hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: Evaluation of and value of computed tomography (CT scans) in the diagnosis of arterial injury in patients with solid organ and pelvic trauma compared to digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Methods: A retrospective study was performed on 131 patients with solid organ and pelvic trauma diagnosed on CT Scans with arterial lesions and then performed a DSA at Viet Duc Hospital from July 2020 to July 2022. Result: Sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) in the diagnosis of active extravasation (AE), pseudoaneurysm (PA), arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in the solid organ trauma group were respectively 92%, 91,2%, 88,5%, 93,9% with AE and 90,7%, 89,1%, 87,%, 91,9% with PA and 77,8%, 100%, 100 %, 98,2% with AVF. Se, Sp, PPV, NPV in the diagnosis of AE, PA, AVF in the group of pelvic trauma were 84,6%, 90,9%, 95,7%, 71,4%, and respectively 77,8%, 85,7%, 63,6%, 92,3% with PA and 50%, 100%, 100%, 97,2% with AVF. The difference in AE lesions on CT scans between the two groups of pelvis and solid organs was statistically significant with p=0,033. Conclusions:  Our study shows that CT Scans has high Se and Sp for diagnosing AE in solid organ and pelvic groups, but low in diagnosing PA in the pelvic group. However, CT Scans showed low Se in the diagnosis of AVF in both solid organ and pelvic groups

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