Cao Cường Nguyễn1,, Quang Minh Phạm 2, Công Hùng Nguyễn3
1 Hung Yen Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital
2 Hanoi medical university
3 National hospital of obstetrics and gynecology

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Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of postoperative pain relief in the perineal area of caudal anesthesia with ropivacaine. Subjects and methods: a comparative clinical intervention study. 60 patients divided into 2 groups, group GT caudal with ropivacaine under the guidance of ultrasound, TM group performed postoperative analgesia with intravenous drugs. Both groups were evaluated for pain relief and side effects. Results: The postoperative pain relief effect of both groups was good with VAS scores < 4. The GT group had lower VAS scores at rest and during exercise than the TM group at all times. The analgesia time-out of caudal anesthesia at D12 was 14.67 ± 1.7 minutes. The average pain relief time of the GT group was 8.13 ± 1.3 hours. The rate of need to use analgesics in the GT group was lower than in the TM group with p<0.05. In the GT group, there were 2 patients who touched the bone with needles during anesthesia, 1 patient had a rash. Conclusion: The method of caudal anesthesia under ultrasound guidance by ropivacaine has good analgesic effect for perineal surgery, the method has few side effects and complications.

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