Văn Công Cung1,
1 National lung hospital

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The 2017 histopathological classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), the lymph node tumors are divided into 5 main groups: (1) Precusor Lymphoid Neoplasm; (2) Mature B-cell tumo; (3) Mature T-and NK-Cell tumors; (4) Hodgkin Lymphomas; (5) Immunodeficiency Associated Lymphoproliferative disoder. In clinical practice, for simplicity, lymphoma is considered in two main groups, Hodgkin (HL) and non-Hodgkin (NHL). Only the tumors that are most common, or often lead to chest manifestations, are considered in detail. Mature B-cell cancer belongs to the NHL group. Lymphoma is a common disease and is associated with approximately 4% of the diagnoses of mediastinal, hilar, and parenchymal lymphadenopathy. Lymphoma is a primary disease of the lymphatic system. Although HL is less common of the two types, accounting for only 25% to 30% of cases, but it is more common than NHL in mediastinal disorders.      We present a 43-year-old male patient, who came to the National Lung Hospital for examination and treatment, was diagnosed with mature B-cell NHL by histopathology and immunohistochemistry in anterior mediastinal location with diagnostic approach for colleagues reference.

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