Việt Long Đặng 1,, Thị Bạch Yến Nguyễn2
1 Dien Bien general hospital
2 Tam Anh hospital

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Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, complicate up to 10% of pregnancies worldwide, being one of the greatest causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. In the general population, WHC may account for about one-third of individuals with elevated clinic or office BP. The prevalence in pregnancy is not known. The presence and outcome effect of white coat hypertension in pregnancy was determined with 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The study was conducted at the Vietnam Heart hospital and hanoi medical university hospital and Tam anh hospital. In this prospective cohort of 87 hypertensive pregnant women, WCH had a prevalence of 34.5%. Only 65.5% of these women had high blood pressure with 24 hour ABPM. The mean age was 31,98±5,28 (years old), the lowest age was 22 and the oldest was 42 years old. There was a statistically significant difference in WCH incidence between younger participants (<30 years old) than older individuals. In our study,  sleep disorders was a risk factor for an increased rate of of non-dipper (OR = 5,67, p=0,009), proteinuria is also a risk factor for an increased rate of non-dipper (OR = 8,41, p=0.011).

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