Trung Hiếu Nguyễn1,, Xuân Thắng Tống2, Xuân Thắng Tống2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 National Otorhinorarynology Hospital of Vietnam

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Objectives: Application of supraglottic laryngectomy and evaluation of the primary results. Methods & Materials: Cross-sectional study of 25 patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer who had done supraglottic laryngectomy. Results: Mean age 60 ± 8 years, the most common age group is 50-70 years old. There are 22 males and 3 females, most had a history of tobacco and alcohol use for many years. The most common clinical symptom is swallowing disorders (92%): dysphagia 76%, odynophagia 48%. The most common tumor is in the T2 stage, accounting for 88% and the T1 stage for 12%. Epiglottis is the most common site for cancer lesions in 96%, 100% of patients with squamous carcinoma. Pneumomia is the most commom complication 28%, hemmorrhage 20%, wound infection 16%. Severe aspiration is the most commom sequelae 56%, no decannulation 16%, laryngeal stenosis 12%. OS 71%, three years OS 87,5%, five years OS 57,1%. Conclusion: Supraglottic laryngectomy permitted the restoration of laryngeal functions. The principal indication was for the tummor in T2. It is worth having an important place among the management of supraglottic laryngeal cancer.

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