Hạnh Nguyên Lê1, Gia Tuyển Đỗ 2, Thị Việt Hà Đặng 2,, Trung Dũng Nghiêm 3, Đức Hạnh Dương2, Thị Lan Thanh Phạm 4
1 Endocrine hospital of Thanh Hoa province
2 Hanoi medical university
3 Bach Mai hopsital
4 Hanoi medical university of Thanh Hoa

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Objectives: To assessment of the abnormal serum uric acid concentration, the percentage of patients with hyperuricemia and factors related to serum uric acid concentration in patients with chronic kidney disease without  replacement therapy at Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital. Subjects and methods: a Cross-sectional description study was performed on 195 patients ≥ 18 years old admitted at Department of Nephro-Urology, Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital, diagnosed with stage III-V chronic kidney disease without replacement therapy. Results: The average serum uric acid concentration was 500.35 ± 153.60 µmol/L. The proportion of patients with hyperuricemia was 74.4%, highest in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5 (80.8%). Conclusion: There was a moderate positive correlation between serum uric acid concentration and BMI, disease duration and serum urea concentration. There was no correlation between serum uric acid concentration and age, mean blood pressure and paraclinical indicators. Patients with hyperuricemia had a risk of clinical gout 2,237 times higher than the group without hyperuricemia (OR: 2,237; 95%CI: 1,034 – 4.838).

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