Hữu Trung Nguyễn1,, Thị Bích Đào Phạm 1, Thị Phương Thảo Vũ 2, Thị Hằng Nguyễn3, Thị Bích Nguyễn4, Thị Mai Phương Mai 2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Hanoi medical university hopsital
3 Hanoi medical university hospital
4 Hoai Duc general hospital

Main Article Content


Vocal fold nodules (VNFs) is a common disease in the Ear - Nose – Throat department. Many studies show that the rate of children with VNFs in school age ranges from 17-30%. Having VNFs can lead to voice dysorder, this directly affecting to children in learning and living, causing psychological impact as well as social communication. Therefore, it is very important to understanding the pathology, treatment VFNs in children. This reduces negative effects on life, psychophysiology and learning. There are many methods of treatment in children: medicine, voice therapy, corticoid therapy, surgery, even in some studies, treatment was not necessary, VFNs may disappear after adolescent… The method and time of therapy is according to the child's requirements, age, compliance and their co-operation. Treatment should be individualized and it is a challenge. We collected 20 articles that met the research criteria through an overview study on treatment methods of VFNs in children. There are 15 articles refer to direct or indirect voice therapy, three articles with surgery method and two articles follow children with VFNs to post-pubertal with do nothing. And we did not find any article used corticoid therapy to treat for children with VFNs.

Article Details


1. Mudd P, Noelke C. Vocal fold nodules in children. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Dec;26(6):426-430.
2. Lee JM, Roy N, Park A, Muntz H, Meier J, Skirko J, Smith M. Personality in Children With Vocal Fold Nodules: A Multitrait Analysis. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2021 Oct 4;64(10):3742-3758.
3. Aoki T, Takeyama T, Sakamoto Y, Shimada A, Kondo E, Nakano S, Fukuda J, Azuma T, Sato G, Kitamura Y, Hosokawa K, Udaka J, Takeda N. Effects of vocal nodules on acoustic characteristics of voice in children : an acoustic analysis of voice. J Med Invest. 2021;68(3.4):276-279.
4. Martins RHG, Gramuglia ACJ. Laryngeal Web as a Possible Cause for Nonabsorption of Vocal Nodules in Boys After Puberty. J Voice. 2019 Jul;33(4):561-563.
5. De Bodt MS, Ketelslagers K, Peeters T, Wuyts FL, Mertens F, Pattyn J, Heylen L, Peeters A, Boudewyns A, Van de Heyning P. Evolution of vocal fold nodules from childhood to adolescence. J Voice. 2007 Mar;21(2):151-6.
6. Hartnick C, Ballif C, De Guzman V, Sataloff R, Campisi P, Kerschner J, Shembel A, Reda D, Shi H, Sheryka Zacny E, Bunting G. Indirect vs Direct Voice Therapy for Children With Vocal Nodules: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Feb 1;144(2):156-163.
7. Bilal N, Selcuk T, Sarica S, Alkan A, Orhan İ, Doganer A, Sagiroglu S, Kılıc MA. Voice Acoustic Analysis of Pediatric Vocal Nodule Patients Using Ratios Calculated With Biomedical Image Segmentation. J Voice. 2019 Mar; 33(2):195-203.
8. Sonbay Yılmaz ND, Afyoncu C, Ensari N, Yıldız M, Gür ÖE. The Effect of the Mother's Participation in Therapy on Children with Vocal Fold Nodules. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2021 Nov;130(11):1263-1267.
9. Adriaansen A, Meerschman I, Van Lierde K, D'haeseleer E. Effects of voice therapy in children with vocal fold nodules: A systematic review. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2022 Jun 27. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12754. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35758272.
10. Mansuri B, Tohidast SA, Soltaninejad N, Kamali M, Ghelichi L, Azimi H. Nonmedical Treatments of Vocal Fold Nodules: A Systematic Review. J Voice. 2018 Sep;32(5):609-620. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.08.023. Epub 2017 Oct 12. PMID: 29032130.