Minh An Nguyễn1,, Trung Kiên Ngô2, Hoàng Thảo Bùi 2
1 Hanoi Medical College
2 Xanh Pon hospital

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Objective: To study the stone clearance of retrograde ureterorenoscopy by flexible ureterorenoscopy at Saint Paul hospital. Research Methods: Cross-sectional Description. Research results: The mean age: 48.61 ± 8.31 years old. The average BMI: 22.5 ± 2.8. The mean stone size on computed tomography was 20.8 ± 7.8 mm. Number of stones: 29% patient had 1 stone and 71% patient had complex stones. Location of stones: renal pelvis was 22.6%, both renal pelvis and calyx was 38.7%, renal calyx was 38.7%. The degree of dilatation of the renal calyces: 19.3% non-dilated, 48.4% grade I, 25.8% grade II, 6.5% grade III. The mean lithotripsy time was 50.9 ± 11.2 (the shortest was 25 minutes and the longest was 65 minutes). The rate of stone clearance after surgery: 83.9%. Stone clearance rate after 1 month: 100%. Conclusion: Treatment of kidney stones of retrograde ureterorenoscopy by flexible ureterorenoscopy showed the rate of stone clearance after surgery was 83.9% and the rate of stone clearance after 1 month was 100

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