Xuân Hậu Nguyễn1,2,, Thị Phương Thảo Nguyễn2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Hanoi medical university hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and sub - clinical characteristics of bilateral thyroid cancer treated by transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy at Hanoi medical university hospital. Methods: A prospective study on 24 patients with bilateral thyroid cancer at Hanoi Medical University Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021. Results: The mean age was 41±8,2; 100% female. 75% of patients discovered theirs disease because of the accidental detection during physical and ultrsound examination. Examined tumors were mainly dense and had limited mobility. By ultrasound, 75% of tumors were diagnosed with TIRADS 4 while 2 patients diagnosed with TIRADS 3. The rate of detecting cervical lymph nodes on ultrasound was 83,3%. All of patients in our study underwent FNA, the percentages of maglinant, suspected, benign tumors were 58%, 34% and 8%, respectively. Conclusion: The majority of tumors in bilateral thyroid cancer treated by transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy had small size which were diagnosed at T1 stage (87%). Most of them were discovered by ultrasound.

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