Quang Lộc Trần 1,, Mạnh Thường Lê1, Nhật Anh Phan1, Thanh Dũng Lê2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hospital

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Objective: To study the anatomical characteristics of the arteries of the visceral body on 256 slice computed tomography (CT). Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study method of 500 cases with 256 abdominal series CT scan at the imaging department of Viet Duc hospital from 01/2021 to 06/2022. Results: Out of 500 selected cases: Mainly the celiac trunk artery was located at the level of the trunk of the 12th thoracic vertebrae (T12) (36.8%), or the 1st lumbar vertebrae (37.4%) and the disc T12/L1 (25.6%). About anatomical types: 430 cases (86%) had the usual celiac trunk artery anatomy (type I). The remaining anatomical types according to Uflacker: 30 cases (6%) type II, 10 cases (0.5%) type III, 9 cases (0.5%) type IV, 15 cases (4.4%) type V, 5 cases. cases (1.6%) form VI, no cases of type VII and VIII. 2 cases not included in Uflacker's classification include: 1 case of common hepatic artery originating from abdominal aorta, common trunk of left gastric artery - splenic artery and superior mesenteric artery. Conclusion: The normal anatomical form of the visceral artery accounts for a large proportion, in this study, there are no rare anatomical variations, but there is 1 variant of the visceral artery anatomy that has not been published in the literature. previous reports. In addition, the origin of the visceral artery can also be as low as L2.

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