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Study aim: We report our retrospective study aim at evaluating clinical featrure and result of our surgical traitment of DII-DIII duodenal stricture due to benign lesions. Time: 2019-2022. Result: There were 9 patients including 8 male (88,9%),1female (11,1%),history of alcohol consumption was 77,9%, previous abdominal surgery was 37,5%,all patients had gastric outlet obstruction,one patient had biliary obstruction.Gastroduodenal scopy were performed in all patients revealed stricture of the duodenal lumen due to the intra or extra tumor of duodenum. Abdominal CTScaner detected 3 pancreatic pseudocyst juxta DII duodenum,3 others patients had the compression of gactric cancer to duodenum and the head of pancreas, the two others patients had tumor of the DII-DIII of duodenum,1 patient had gastric outle and biliary obstruction that was consequence of chronic pancreatitis and stones in the head of pancreas. Pseudo cyst-duodenostomy (posterior wall of DII duodenum) was performed in 4 pattient, Pseudocyst-Gastrostomy was performed in one patient with the pseudocyst in the head and the body of pancreas,one other patient with pancreatic necrosis was necrosectomy and drained,1 patient with stricture in the junction of the second and the third part of duodunum was duodenectomy with duodenostomy and anstrectomy, the other patient who had chronic pancreatitis and biliary obstruction was performed gastrojejunostomy and and biliodigestive anastomosis(Roux en Y).One patient had duodenal stricture due to posterior ulcer of DII duodenum was performed gastro-jejunostomy and had PPI medication. Conclusion: We conclude that stricture of the second and the third part of duodenum due to benign lesions mainly were pseudo cyst of the head of pancreas or the consequence of chronicpancreatitis (88,9%) and posterior ulcer of DII duodenum (Giant ulcer). All had gastric outlet obtruction. The preoperative diagnoses were tumor in DII-DIII of duodenum or the compresion of pancreatic tumor juxta duodenum. The surgical treatment were duodenostomy -pseudocyst or the second and third part of duodenum resection or gastro-pseudocystostomy. In case of duodenal stricture due to ulcer, the operation was gastro- jejunostomy with PPI medication.
Article Details
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