Thị Tú Linh Hà 1,, Quý Châu Ngô1,2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Tam Anh hospital

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Objectives: To determine the relationship between high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and lung function in patients with bronchiectasis. Methods: A cross-sectional description of 60 cases underwent thoracic high-resolution CT and lung function tests at the Respiratory Center, Bach Mai Hospital from September 2021 to September 2022. Results: The mean age 61,40 ± 14,47 with 51,7% were female. Bright circle was the most common image 96,7%, bronchial wall thickening 95%, honeycomb shape 28,3%, and gloved finger sign 16,7%. Cylindrical bronchiectasis 60%, cystic (saccular) bronchiectasis 15%, mixed 21,7%, and the least common type of bronchiectasis was varicose 3,3%. 20% patients showed normal lung function; patients with mixed obstructive-restrictive type and restrictive type were 46,7% and 25%; 8,3% patients had obstructive type. There was a relationship between bronchial wall thickening and mean values of %VC, %FEV1 with statistical significance p < 0.05. The mean values of %VC, %FVC, %FEV1 in the group of patients with cylindrical were higher than those of cystic and mixed (p<0.05). As the number of lung lobes increases, the average values of %VC, %FVC, %FEV1, FEV1/FVC indicators decrease. Conclusion: There is a relationship between lung function decline and bronchial wall thickening, the number of bronchiectasis lobes, and the type of bronchiectasis.

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