Thu Hà Trịnh 1,, Hùng Kiên Đỗ2
1 Hanoi Oncology Hospital
2 National cancer hopsital

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Objective: To evaluate the treatment response and toxicity profile of the induction chemotherapy with Gemcitabine-Cisplatin regimen in the treatment of patients with stage III-IVa nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: A prospective descriptive study on patients who were newly diagnosed with stage III-IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Hanoi Oncology Hospital and National Cancer Hospital of Vietnam Vietnam from February 2020 to October 2022.The primary endpoint was response rate, and the secondary endpoints were toxicities profile of the treatment. Results: The overall response rate of the regimen was 78.3%: 18% complete response, 60.3% partial response. The common toxicities were anemia (60.2%), neutropenia (34.6%), thrombocytopenia (30.8%), vomiting, nausea (82.0%). Majority of the toxicities was grade I-II. Conclusion: Gemcitabine/cisplatin regimen in the induction chemotherapy of stage III-IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma provided a high overall response rate, well tolerance with the acceptable toxicities.

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