Khắc Hưng Nguyễn1,, Đăng Lưu Vũ 2
1 Hanoi Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital,
2 Hanoi medical university

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Introduction: Placenta acrreta is an obstetric condition associated with life-threatening hemorrhage, the main cause of postpartum hysterectomy. Its diagnosis and evaluation of degree of invasiveness can help to reduce maternal mortality and morbility. Objectives: Study on the value of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta on cesarean scar. Materials and methods: retrospective &  prospective  describe study. Gravid women at high risk of placenta accreta (previous placental and/or uterine scarring) underwent MRI between 1/2021 and 10/2022. The MRI findings were compared with the final pathologic or operative findings as a gold standard at Hanoi obtetrics & Gynecology Hospital. Results: 55 of 62 patients who had MRI prenatally to evaluate for placenta accreta were accurately identified. Of those 62 patients, MRI correctly identified the presence of placenta accreta in 50 patients and the absence of placenta accreta in 5 patients. There are 5 MRI findings such as local thinning or interruption of myometrium (61.8%), uterine bulging (45.4%), presence of dark intraplacental bands on T2W imaging (63.6%), heterogenous placenta (69%), focal exophytic mass & bladder wall interruptio (10.9%). Focal exophytic mass & bladder wall interruptio (OR: 6.833; CI 95%;  1.343 – 38. 670) is the index with the highest value in the invasive prognosis of placenta accreta.

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