Thu Trang Phạm 1,
1 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi

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Objective: Evaluation of the clinical features before and after treatment anterior crossbite in early mix dentittion by functional appliance. Meterial and method:  30  patients with anterior crossbite in early mix dentition were examinated and treated my functional applience myobrace i3 in  National Hospital of Odonto Stomatology, analysis index in the clinical feature before and after treatment. Result: Low facial was increased 0,37 ± 0,37 mm, over jet was increased -3,73 ± 1,50 mm, tongue thrust was decreased 85,7%, tongue tie was decreased 100%, low position of tongue was decreased 100%. Treatment time was 14,47 ± 1,31 months.

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