Thị Trang Chu 1,, Tất Thành Đỗ 2, Thị Linh Ngô1, Thanh Bình Trịnh 1, Minh Trang Thạch 1, Thu Hà Vũ 1, Thị Lan Phương Phạm 1, Trần Thị Linh Nguyễn1, Thu Huyền Nguyễn1, Đức Huấn Đặng3
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 Viet Duc hopsital
3 Viet Duc hosital

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Objectives: to describe the nutritional status of patients before surgery and after surgery with nutrition combined with suppro products and medical nutrition products suppro. Methods: Non-control clinical intervention 30 patients were nourished with Suppro product at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital from 7/2022 - 9/2022. Result: The percentage of malnourished patients with BMI < 18,5 before surgery was 10% after surgery was 20%, 100% of patients using suppro products found the powder to be smooth, fragrant, and easy to drink. The average nutritional energy of patients in the first days after surgery was 1195,3 ± 323 (kcal). The mean albumin, prealbumin index of patients decreased after surgery with statistical significance. Conclusion: Suppro is safe in terms of color, taste, and sensory perception.

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