Ngọc Sơn Nguyễn1,, Thanh Hùng Nguyễn1
1 Danang Oncology Hospital

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Objectives: Describe the clinical, paraclinical characteristics and results of laparoscopic surgery for upper rectal cancer. Subjects and methods: A case series descriptive study on 41 upper rectal cancer patients treated by laparoscopic surgery at Da Nang Oncology Hospital from January 2020 to October 2022. Results: The mean age was 63.22±10.14, 43,9% patients presented with hematochezia, the tumors type of ulceration were the most common (48.8%), Six patients received preoperative chemoradiation. The postoperative stage is mainly stage II, III with the rate of 43,9% and 34.1%, respectively. All tumors were of the adenocarcinoma type and most were moderately differentiated (92.7%). The average surgical time was 191.34±52.43 minutes, there were no cases that had to be converted to open surgery, there were 31.7% with TME and 68.3% with PME, all cases have R0 margin, there were 12,2% patients with ileostomy. The average postoperative hospital stay was 9.02±2.39 days. There were no intraoperative complications, the overall postoperative complication rate was 7.3% with 4.9% wound infection and 2.4% pneumonia, no major complications and postoperative mortality. Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery for upper rectal cancer is safe and feasible with a low rate of complications while maintaining oncologic criteria.

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