Sonethavong Thammavone1, Kingkeo Sengkhamyong1, Xuân Kiên Nguyễn1, Ngọc Anh Trần 1,
1 Vietnam Military Medical Academy

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Objectives: Surveying the anatomical distribution of renal artery on the porcine renal erosion specimen is significant in experimental surgery. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted on 40 pairs of porcine kidneys (80 kidneys) of pigs (weighing about 70-80 kg, no disease, intact kidney stalk, no damage or necrosis to the vascular system, renal pelvis) at the Department of Anatomy, Military Medical University from October 2018 to June 2019. Results: Number of renal arteries: 1 artery (87.5%), 2 arteries (12.5%). The mean renal artery diameter was 4.05 ± 0.44 mm. The mean renal artery length was 29.35 ± 8.05 mm. The renal arteries have 2 or 3 branches. Most of the renal artery specimens have 2 branches: right side (95.0%), left side (92.5%). Location of division of renal artery branches: 100% anterior to the renal hilum. Most of the cases, there were 3 arteries assigned to the upper pole (57.5%), 3 arteries assigned to the lower pole (45.0%), none of the renal hilum (33.8%). Conclusion: Studying the anatomy of the renal arteries, the mean renal artery diameter, the mean renal artery length, the location of the renal artery branches to study the method of experimental incisions into the kidney to premise for kidney surgery, kidney transplant,...

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