Thị Hồng Chính Nguyễn1,2,, Văn Tuấn Nguyễn3,4, Thị Khánh Hỷ Đỗ1, Thị Hòa Nguyễn2
1 Thang Long university
3 Hanoi medical university
4 Bach Mai hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Anxiety disorders is common in the elderly. These disorders can increasing the burden of morbidity and mortality. Objectives: Describe the current state of anxiety in the elderly inpatient treatment at the National Geriatric Hospital in 2022. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study, including 255 inpatients at the National Geriatric Hospital from August 2022 to December 2022. Evaluation is based on clinical and Hamilton A anxiety scale. Result: 61.9% of patients have anxiety symptoms according to Hamilton A scale, with high rate in both Mental health department and other departments, but only 39.2% of patients have been examined by a psychiatrist. Clinical symptoms are diverse with both physical and mental symptoms. Conclusion: The prevalence of elderly patients with anxiety is high, but they have not received adequate psychiatric examination. Symptoms of anxiety manifest themselves with a wide variety of physical and mental symptoms, so the diagnosis can be missed

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