Thị Quỳnh Hương Chu1,, Thị Diệu Linh Nguyễn1
1 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi

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Objectives: To review some clinical characteristics of patients indicated prosthetics at the Department of Prosthodontics, Hanoi National Hospital Odonto-Stomatology Hospital. Subjects and research methods: A retrospective study. 625 patients received prosthetic treatment at the Department of Prosthodontics at Hanoi Central Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology in 2015. Results: 625 patients had the same ratio of men and women, aged from 14 to 94 years old for the following reasons: cosmetic 29.5%; caries and hard tissue loss: 25.5%, trauma: 14%; tooth loss due to periodontitis; 16%. Among them, the rate of patients undergoing endodontic treatment accounted for 35.2%. Indicated prosthetics: removable 39.3%, fixed restorations: 60.7%. Restorative material: metal porcelain: 71%; 29% all porcelain. Conclusion: Restorative patients of all ages are mainly due to tooth decay, tooth loss and trauma, the number of patients doing cosmetic surgery is not much, in which the number of patients requiring endodontic treatment is quite high and the type of material used is quite high. The prosthetic that is preferred for the function is porcelain alloy, cosmetic porcelain material has not been used.

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