Thu Trang Phạm 1,
1 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi

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Objective: To evaluate the cephalometric dento-skeletal characteristics of anterior crossbite in mix dentition. Meterials and method: 30 patients with anterior crossbite in mix dentition were examinated and treated in National Hospital of Odonto Stomatology, analysis index in the cephalometric. Results: SNB angle (79.17o) was reduced,  ANB angle was (81.08o) slighly higher SNA angle (78,75 o  ± 3,11o) was reduced,  SNB angle was higher (78,58 o ± 2,76o) and ANB angle (0,18o ± 1,93o) was reduced.  Wits apprisal  was reduced (-5,44mm ± 2,81). Dental index: over jet was nagative (-1,86mm ± 1,25),  U1 _SN was reduced (100,36o ±7,14),  IMPA was reduced (89,76o ± 8,77)

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