Gia Du Hoàng1,, Xuân Phước Vũ1
1 Bach Mai hospital

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Background: C1 fracture is a heavy injury with complex anatomical lesions, therefore it is so difficult to define and easy to missinitial injury. Diagnosis and surgical treatment for unstable C1 fracture is still a big challenge for spine surgeons. Subjects and Method: 31 patients with unstable C1 fracture were undergone spinal surgeries in Vietnam-Germany university hospital between 2008 and 2013. We noted all clinical symptoms, diagnostic imaging informations. Results: 12.9% missed initial injury. Common symptoms: pain, stiff neck, limited neck movement, 90.3% ASIA - E. Observation on X-ray film: 100% of lateral mass displacement in AP (anterior-posterior) open mouth view, 58.1% posterior arch fracture of C1 in lateral view. On computed tomography images of C1 fracture, we find out 83.9% grade 2, 16.1% grade 3; the average of Spence index: 8.26 ± 1.15 mm. 9.7% cord injury, 29% transverse ligament damage were observed on MRI. Postoperation: 80.7% of patients were no longer in pain. Conclusion: Post-traumatic symptoms such as pain, stiff neck, limited neck movement should thinks atlas fracture. Unstable C1 fracture if the surgery time for positive results.

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