Hoàng Kiên Lê1,, Minh Thông Phạm 2
1 Bach Mai hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: To evaluate the results in the diagnosis of posterior circulation cerebral aneurysms at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging at Bach Mai Hospital. Material and methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted on 96 patients with posterior circulation aortic artery disease with 73 unruptured aneurysms, indicated for treatment intervention at Bach Mai Hospital from January 2014 to January 2023. The location of coronary artery in the study group was mainly distributed in the vertebral artery location, accounting for 47.9%. Location of basilar artery accounts for 25%, posterior cerebral artery accounts for 12.5%, other positions such as posterior cerebellar artery are less than 12.5%; The superior cerebellar artery accounts for 3.1%. Results: For the group of ruptured aneurysm, the form of severe headache accounted for 89.2%. The ruptured aneurysm group showed signs of nausea and vomiting 60.7% and stiff neck 75%. In the study group, the posterior circulation aneurysm found that the sac-shaped aneurysm with wide neck (bag/neck diameter ratio <1.2) accounted for the highest rate of 47.4%; The ratio of sac/neck diameter ≥1.5 accounts for 39.5%. Aneurysm neck diameter <4mm accounted for 57.9% and ≥4mm accounted for 42.1%. Fisher grade 3-5 accounted for a high rate of 85.8%. Conclusion: Imaging tools such as multislice computed tomography, high magnetic field MRI and DSA can assess the morphology and size of posterior circulation cerebral aneurysms.

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