Văn Trung Nguyễn1,2, Gia Du Hoàng1,
1 Bach Mai hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics of patients with multilevel cervical stenosis due to spinal degeneration. Material and Method: A retrospective study was conducted on 31 patients diagnosed with multilevel cervical stenosis indicated operative trearment by the cervical pedicle screw fixation combined with laminectomy technique in Bach Mai hospital from january 2018 to June 2020. Results: The average age was 63,26 ± 9,63 years old. The proportion of men (74.2%) was 3 times as much as number of women (24.8%). Mean duration counting from the onset of symptoms to the operation was 27,5 months. 100% patients with cervical myelopathy, and 32% with radiculophathy symptoms. The common symptoms consist of neck pain (83,9%), sensory disfunction in extremeties (90,3%), motor function abnomalies (93,5%). Severe cervical compressive myelopathy by JOA account for 83,9%, severe disability classified by NDI comprised of 51,6%, equally in both genders. Conclusion: Degenerative multilevel cervical stenosis often happened in middle-aged patients. The neurological clinical symptoms were variety.

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