Nguyên Lâm Lê1,, Quốc Tuấn Lâm2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy
2 Hau Giang general hospital

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Background: Determining the role and effectiveness of the method of lifting the cheekbone through the maxillary sinus, the surgical method is less traumatic compared to other methods and still gives positive treatment results in fracture cases. cheekbones. Objective: To evaluate the treatment results of patients with zygomatic fractures by closed reduction method in treatment of zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture.  Materials and methods: All 49 patients with zygomatic fractures were examined and treated with closed reduction method in treatment of zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture at Hau Giang Provincial General Hospital from February 2019 to June 2020. Descriptive cross-sectional study with analysis and clinical intervention without control group. Results: Postoperative results: 100% of patients after suturing soft tissue covering the wound, 4.1% had signs of infection, 4.1% had postoperative bleeding, 98.0% had wound condition. Surgery was normal, 93.9% had normal cheekbones, 100% of patients had normal eyeballs and 8.2% had sensory disturbances. Results of treatment before hospital discharge: After treatment, there were 98.0% patients with significant swelling reduction, 93.9% normal cheekbones, 98.0% normal eyeball and 6.1% disorder. feeling. After 1 week of discharge, 100.0% of patients had significant swelling reduction, 93.9% of patients had normal cheekbones, 100.0% of normal eyeballs and 4.1% had sensory disturbances. After 3 months of discharge, 95.9% of patients with normal cheekbones, 100.0% of patients with normal eyeball condition, 100% of patients with good mouth opening, no longer had sensory disturbances and 12, 2% of patients with recurrent sinusitis. Conclusion: Closed reduction method is a minimally traumatic surgical method with good results.

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