Trọng Đạt Nguyễn1,, Hoàng Minh Nguyễn 2, Văn Trọng Nguyễn 1, Long Bùi2
1 Hanoi medical university
2 National cancer hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the clinicopathologic features and early results of radical gastrectomy in patients < 40 years old with gastric carcinoma in K Hospital. Patients and methods: 54 patients younger than 40 with radical gastrectomy were prospectively reviewed from 6/2018 to 6/2022. Results: Of the 54 patients, the mean age was 34 ± 2,9 (20-39), the gender ratio was 1,07:1; the most common clinical signs were epigastric pain (90,7%), anorexia (55,6%), gastrointestinal bleeding (22%), and pyloric stenosis (11%). Among 54 patients, 11% had a family history of gastric cancer, and 27,8% had chronic gastritis. Tumor location: lower (57,4%), small curvature (25,9%), upper (5,6%), and whole (3,7%). Histological types: poorly differentiated carcinoma (55,5%), signet-ring cell (33,3%), and mucinous adenocarcinoma (5,6%). Stage: T4 (48,2%), T1-T2 (40,7%); 50% of lymph nodes were metastasis, the mean lymph nodes harvested: 15,8±6,3, and of node metastasis was 4,1±6,9; the rate of lymph node metastasis/node harvested: 25,6%, the mean time to first passage of flatus: 3,48±0,75 days; the meantime for beginning oral feeding was 3,98±0,94 days; hospital stay: 10,7±1,4 days; postoperative morbidity rate was 13%, including pneumonia (5,5%), wound infection (5,5%), and duodenal leakage (1,9%); no postoperative mortality. Conclusion: Young patients < 40 years old with gastric adenocarcinoma have a short duration of disease and significantly higher incidence of poorly differentiated tumor histologic findings and both locally advanced and node metastasis at presentation. Radical gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma in younger patients can be performed safely and feasibly with the lowest morbidity.

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