Thành Công Lê1, Minh Đức Hoàng2,, Tư Hoàng Lê3
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Viet Duc hopsital
3 Viet Duc hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the results of laparoscopic surgery of low rectal cancer. Materials and methods: A retrospective study on 49 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery to treat low rectal cancer in the Viet Duc hospital from 01/2018 to 12/2020. Results: The rate of low rectal cancer patients who had symtoms was 87.8%, most of them are hospitalized because of defecation with blood and mucus (77.6%), stage II it was 36.7%, stage III 40,8%. The tumor invaded surrounding: T1 + T2 was 10.2%, T3 was 63.3%, T4 was 8.2%. There were 7 cases of distant metastasis (14,3%). The most commonly used laparoscopic method was Miles technique, accounted for 44.9%, the low-connected surgery had 13 cases (accounting for 26.5%), the Hartmann's surgery had 7 cases (14.3%), the ostomy surgery had 7 cases (14.3%). There were no cases of death within 30 days post-operatively. The time in hospital was 9.85 ± 3.89 (days). Only 1 case with complication in dissection of posterior vaginal wall. The rate of postoperative complications was 16.3%, including postoperative bowel obstruction, surgical site infection, urinary disorder and complications of open new anus. The survives of 12-month, 24-month, and 36-month time were 83.3%, 75.4%, and 70.4%, respectively.Conclusions: Laparoscopy surgery for low rectal cancer method was safe, well-recover after surgery and had feasible results.

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