Main Article Content
Objective: We conducted this study to describe the working motivation of healthcare workers at Son La Provincial Lung Hospital in 2021. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 80 health workers at the Lung Hospital of Son La province. The health workers were selected as a whole. We used a questionnaire to measure the workforce of health workers with a total of 07 influencing factors and 23 sub-categories. Results: We found that the common health factor at work had the lowest average score, 3.61 (0.78) points, while the motivation to comply with time and participation had the highest GPA - 4.12 (0.65) points. Among 7 factors, the rate of having the highest motivation is in having conscientiousness (86.3%). Conversely, health has the lowest rate of having motivation (67,5%). Conclusion: Research results show that health workers at Son La Lung Hospital are motivated to work. All 07 research factors scored with motivation, and the percentage of health workers who were motivated to work in each element was relatively high.
Article Details
Work motivation; medical staff; lung hospital; Son La.
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