Gia Du Hoàng1,, Đăng Tân Lê1
1 Bach Mai hospital

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Objectives: To evaluate the results of distant treatment of C1-C2 instability fracture patients treated by the transarticular screw surgery. Subjects and method: Retrospective study to follow up 32 patients with confirmed C1 - C2 instability injury and C1 - C2 transarticular screw surgery at the posterior cervical line at Viet Duc hospital from June 2006 to June 2011. Results: Average age 31.58, male/female ratio ≈ 2, the leading cause of injury is traffic accident, accounting for 87.5%; Functional symptoms before surgery neck pain and stiff neck in 100% of patients, ten years after surgery only one patient with neck pain and two patients with a stiff neck. Five patients with preoperative nerve paralysis A (C) after surgery recovered well A (E). There were 2 cases of neck pain and stiffness due to a fracture of the transarticular screw on one side. Conclusion: Transarterial screw surgery after treatment of C1-C2 instability injury is a safe and effective long-term surgery. However, it should be considered in the case of patients with pathological conditions that cause hypertonia or dyskinesia in the neck muscles because of the high risk of screw breakage.

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