Duy Thanh Dương 1,, Trường Thịnh Vũ 2,3, Văn Tuấn Hà 4
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 Viet Duc hopsital
3 Hanoi medical university
4 Thanh Nhan hospital

Main Article Content


Introduction: Study and evaluate the results of combined surgery with plate screws to treatment clavicle fractures in adults at Viet Duc University Hospital. Subjects and methodology: A retrospective and non-controlled cross-sectional descriptive study on 80 patients diagnosed with closed clavicle fracture over 18 years old who were treated with ostomy surgery with plate screw at Viet Duc Univesity Hospital - Hanoi from January 2020 to January 2021. Result: The majority of patients were between 18 and 50 years old (82.4%), in which men accounted for a higher proportion (81.2%); Traffic accidents and daily-life accidents account for the highest percentage of injuries (95%) and simple fractures without major organ trauma with the highest proportion (66, 25%). Indirect injury mechanism accounted for all case studies (100%). The overall good result accounted for a high rate of 95.59%, the average was 4.41%, there was no poor case. Conclusion: Clavicle fracture is a common fracture in upper extremity trauma and affects shoulder mobility function. ORIF to correct and restore anatomy, fix the fracture firmly, create conditions for early rehabilitation after surgery and bring good results to the patient.

Article Details


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